The manufacturer of the Prymat brand describes the classic tripe spice mixture - a composition of dried spices, vegetables and herbs:
Good to know The
spice is recommended for beef, veal and poultry tripe. We add it halfway through cooking, remembering that the tripe should be cooked until it is soft. It is also a perfect spice for home-made pates and beef.
Our spice is free of: monosodium glutamate, preservatives, dyes.
spice is recommended for beef, veal and poultry tripe. We add it halfway through cooking, remembering that the tripe should be cooked until it is soft. It is also a perfect spice for home-made pates and beef.
Our spice is free of: monosodium glutamate, preservatives, dyes.
Features:without the addition of monosodium glutamate
Legally regulated product name:Classic spice mixture - a composition of dried spices, vegetables and herbs.
Other information:No preservatives - legal.